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The American School Counselors Association (ASCA) National Model provides a framework through which school counselors can deliver a relevant, results-oriented counseling program to meet the specific needs of students and families at the school. The National Model helps school counselors answer the question "How are students different as a result of what school counselors do?" I find the ASCA National Model very helpful in organizing, planning, and carrying out an effective school counseling program!

ASCA National Model Components

The components of the ASCA National Model are interwoven in such a way that each guides the others. The FOUNDATION is at the base of the diamond, and guides the DELIVERY and MANAGEMENT of the School Counseling program, which are examined carefully using data to help the school counselor demonstrate ACCOUNTABILITY. The results from  ACCOUNTABILITY data in turn influences the foundation, and changes are made as necessary.


School counselors incorporate organizational assessments and tools that help ensure that the program is meeting the needs of the students.


School counselors analyze school and counseling program data to answer the question, "How are students different as a result of the school counseling program?"



Creating a comprehensive school counseling programs begins with a vision of what will be accomplished, focusing on student outcomes and competencies. 


School counselors provide services to students, parents, school staff and the community through Direct and Indirect student services.

ASCA National Model Themes

The ASCA National Model Themes surround the components of the National Model, indicating that they are what hold together a successful school counseling program. 


From providing leadership for the development of a comprehensive school counseling program to solving problems with school and community groups that promote student achievement, school counselors are called to be leaders in a variety of ways.


As educational leaders, school counselors are ideally situated to serve as advocates for every student in meeting high academic, career and personal/social standards. Advocating for the academic achievement of every student is a key role of school counselors and places them at the forefront of efforts to promote school reform.


School counselors work with stakeholders, both inside and outside the school, as a part of the comprehensive school counseling program. Through school, family and community collaboration, school counselors can access a vast array of support for student achievement and development that cannot be achieved by an individual, or school, alone.

Systemic Change

Schools are a system, just like a family is a system. When barriers to education exist for certain groups, school counselors work to eliminate barriers and reduce the opportunity gap. Social justice plays a key role in the work of the school counselor.

ASCA information gathered from personal experience and the ASCA website

Interested in learning more, or consulting with Anna Johnson? Email me using the link below!

ASCA National Model

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