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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Speaks is a nation-wide organization designed to provide information about, and resources for individuals and families experiencing autism. They are somewhat of a clearinghouse for information. One of the nice things about this site is that they have additional resources by state, divided up by category. For example, they list 107 early intervention services for individuals with autism in North Carolina! Sponsored Walks are another way that Autism Speaks gets the word out to advocate for individuals with autism.


Although National Autism Resources is a for-profit organization, it is unique in that it provides many products which may be helpful for individuals with autism. A few of these items include sensory brushes, noise-cancelling headphones, and a weighted blankets.


The Autism Society of North Carolina is an organization based in Raleigh which provides many activities and opportunities for individuals with autism to come together. They also provide resources via workshops, and information about transitioning to adulthood as an individual with autism.


Evidence-based Strategies to Help

Children with autism often benefit from noise-cancelling headphones, which allow stimulation to be limited. Most will also benefit from strict structure, and from a visual schedule of what is expected.

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