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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The National Resource on ADHD provides multi-pronged levels of support, from an annual conference to information about understanding ADHD, to ways to advocate for individuals with ADHD. Support options include a resource directory, an online community, and a help line if things get especially challenging. While geared towards teachers and educators, it also provides information that may be useful for parents and other caregivers.


The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry provides basic information about ADHD, as well as articles on a variety of subjects related to ADHD, a glossary of symptoms, and Frequently Asked Questions.


The Attention Deficit Disorder Association seeks to “Serve, Connect, and Empower” those living with ADHD. Besides an annual conference, they provide weekly webinars to help individuals with ADHD and their caregivers connect and ask questions they can send in to the moderator.


Evidence-based Strategies to Help

Students with ADHD often benefit from planned breaks, some tactile fidget, and self-regulation practice.. Alternative seating, for example yoga balls or wobble chairs, may improve outcomes as well.

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